More recent editions have restored the name Tudor Mansion to the mansion, and say the mansion is located in Hampshire, England in the year 1926. Overall, several spinoffs have been released, some featuring extra characters, and for some, different game play. The board games form an overall story whose complete chronology can be found at Cluedo chronology. Several games, books, and a film have been released as part of the Cluedo franchise. Boddy in North American versions), and with which weapon and in what room.

The object of the basic game is for players to strategically move around the game board (a mansion), in the guise of one of the game's six characters, collecting clues from which to deduce which suspect murdered the game's perpetual victim: Dr. publisher Parker Brothers as well as Waddingtons. It is now published by the United States game and toy company Hasbro, which acquired its U.S.

Pratt, a solicitor's clerk from Birmingham, England. Cluedo ( / ˈ k l uː d oʊ / Clue in North America) is a popular murder/mystery-themed deduction board game originally published by Waddingtons in Leeds, England in 1949.